tisdag, augusti 14, 2007

Gael Garcia Bernal en Islandia

Gael Garcia to play on stage in Iceland

The Mexican actor Gael Garcia Bernal will participate in the theatrical staging of the Swedish film Tilsammans (“Together”) in Iceland, directed by Gísli Örn Gardarsson. The cast also includes German actor Daniel Brühl, who starred in Good Bye Lenin!.

Tilsammans (2000) by Lukas Moodyson, features the life in a Swedish hippy commune in the 1970s.

“Gael came to see Hamskiptin [The Metamorphosis] in London,” Gardarsson told Fréttabladid. “When I told him that I planned to stage Tilsammans he said it was one of the best ideas he had heard for a long time and asked whether he could take part in it.”

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